Careers, Work Experience and Work Related Learning

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at River Academy will be seen as an important part of school life and all students will receive this as part of their learning here at the school. We are committed to providing the appropriate activities and experiences to enable students to make successful transitions from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 4 and further education, training programmes, apprenticeships or work.

River Academy's aims in relation to CEIAG are:

  • To allow students to make informed and considered choices at the end of all three key stages.
  • To help and guide students to make transitions into new situations.
  • To promote self-development in students including employability skills.
  • To help students to value differences and diversity between people.
  • To raise aspirations and make students aware of opportunities available to them.
  • To provide guidance to all students in relation to decisions about options, further education and career choices, including apprenticeships.

Careers education at River Academy should not just be seen as learning about jobs but also learning about work ethics, equipping students with skills (both hard and soft) for the work place, ensuring transition occurs smoothly and helping to reduce barriers to entering the world of work.